1990 Caravan Heater

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Keyed4U, Nov 26, 2003.

  1. Keyed4U

    Keyed4U Guest

    I wanted some input before I go and replace some parts!! I did a coolant
    change and replaced the thermostat today, however the heater still does not
    blow lots of heat. Could this be the heater core or control valve? Could it
    possibly be as simple as a lever cable being off? The A/C works fine so this
    leads me to believe that the cable is fine.

    Thanks for any info!!
    Keyed4U, Nov 26, 2003
  2. Could be just air in the system, which prevents coolant cirulation into the
    heater core.
    David J. Allen, Nov 26, 2003
  3. Keyed4U

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Most obvious cause is low coolant or an air bubble, but if you've already
    checked and these are not causing the problem, then check the coolant/water
    valve in the heater hose near the firewall. I had this get stuck on an old
    1990 caravan. You can tell if its stuck closed cause the hose will be hot
    up to the valve and then cool to the heater core. It is vacuum activated so
    check the hose does not have a leak also.

    Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Nov 26, 2003
  4. Keyed4U

    damnnickname Guest

    To determine if the heater core is stopped up...once the engine reaches peak
    temp feel the heater hoses going into the firewall, assuming that the heater
    control valve is working properly.(if equipped) feel the hoses going and
    and coming out, if one is very hot and the other is warm then you will have
    to have the heater core replaced

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Nov 27, 2003
  5. Keyed4U

    Dave Mohr Guest

    Check the air mixing door inside the dash. My '90 was blowing cold all the
    time, and I found 2 pennies and a nickle and quarter in there, stopping door
    from moving.

    Coins got in via the dash vents above the cup holder.

    After removing them, heater worked great.
    Dave Mohr, Nov 28, 2003
  6. Keyed4U

    Mark Guest

    You might want to try doing a backflush before replacing heater core.
    I had problem after coolant flush on a 2.5 engine with heater not
    blowing very warm air. First replaced thermostat which did not help
    and then did backflush. Heater works great now.
    Mark, Nov 29, 2003
  7. Keyed4U

    Keyed4U Guest

    Thanks for the input. It turned out that the cable was not going in the sleeve
    all the way. After removing and soaking the cable in wd40 it seems to work fine
    Keyed4U, Dec 2, 2003
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