**** Post for FREE via your newsreader at post.usenet.com **** This morning while driving home from work, my car stalled out on me. The car had also been acting a little lower powered the night before. Gas was fine as my dad and I completely bypassed the pump/filter stuff and added gas directly. He said to say that it had no spark. Is it possible that this is a bad coil and if so, how easy is it to fix and how expensive will it be? (approximations are fine.) Oh, we did test the distributer cap and there seems to be no problem there. Kiro (not using real name) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= *** Usenet.com - The #1 Usenet Newsgroup Service on The Planet! *** [URL]http://www.usenet.com[/URL] Unlimited Download - 19 Seperate Servers - 90,000 groups - Uncensored -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=