1987 T&C oil leaks

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Redlocks, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. Redlocks

    Redlocks Guest

    For the past several months my 1987 T & C wagon has been leaking oil
    rapidly. Today after putting a quart in the engine, I started the engine to
    see if I could monitor any dripping.

    Oil seemed to drip steadily from a device that is screwed into the bottom
    1/2 of the engine with a wire attached at the end. I was told by a friend
    who I decsribed the part for that it was probably my oil sensor.

    Any thoughts or suggestions?


    Redlocks, Aug 12, 2004
  2. Redlocks

    Geoff Guest

    Your friend is almost certainly right. Replacement is easy and
    inexpensive, and you can do it yourself with simple tools (i.e. a
    wrench). Get thee to the parts store! (And by all means, don't let it
    run dry!)

    Geoff, Aug 12, 2004
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