'06 Charger: My Review

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Daniel J. Stern, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. Daniel J. Stern

    Bill Putney Guest

    Don't forget the clamp-on steering knob with the naked girl in it.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Feb 28, 2006
  2. I didn't say I hate them, I said I don't like them.
    What part of "V6" did you not understand?
    Daniel J. Stern, Feb 28, 2006
  3. Daniel J. Stern

    frenchy Guest

    <<I would, and I do, because it means you actually have to reach for
    horn; no button falls naturaly to the thumb of your
    properly-positioned hands on the wheel.>>

    How many people steer perfectly like that, with their darn thumbs in a
    certain place all day long just waiting to honk the horn? I sure as
    hell don't. Old ladies do I suppose. And I don't want to have to
    worry about it 100% of the time. I want to know when I have a split
    second to honk the horn, I just throw my hand up and jam the middle of
    the wheel! Hasn't anybody else in here ever needed to honk the horn in
    an emergency and hit the wheel, and by the time you figure out where
    the damn button is it's already too late? Or the really lame 80's cars
    with it at the end of a stalk? I lost count of how many times I tried
    to honk the horn but couldn't because I was used to driving cars with
    the horn in the middle and was driving a newer car, or one of my other
    cars, with a dumb button somewhere that I can't access in 1/4 of a
    second without taking my eye off what's coming at me and my brain is in
    instantaneous panic mode.

    <<And it also means your hand is
    more likely to be blown forcefully into your face when the airbag
    deploys. The consequences of that happening can be fatally severe. >>

    How often has that happened? I'll take my chances and be able to honk
    the horn and maybe avoid the bag going off in the first place.
    frenchy, Mar 1, 2006
  4. Daniel J. Stern

    SD Dave Guest

    This is why people should honk their horns more often. Obviously
    practice makes perfect, so honk at people for not signalling, looking
    at you funny, or daring to use a crosswalk! You'll learn where it is

    SD Dave, Mar 1, 2006
  5. Daniel J. Stern

    Art Guest

    On my 71 Dart Swinger it was around the wheel. To honk you just squeezed
    the steering wheel. It was great while it lasted. Unfortunately, it did
    not last and was very difficult to replace.
    Art, Mar 2, 2006
  6. Daniel J. Stern

    mrdancer Guest

    I-6's are much better than V6's. Unfortunately, most car designers don't
    like them because they take up too much space, and damn the engineering

    I've had an H4 in a bike, that was a pretty sweet engine... lotsa torque on
    the low end, lotsa power on the high end, super tractability, no flat spots,
    and good engine sound on both ends.
    mrdancer, Mar 3, 2006
  7. Most car designers don't like them because the buffoons at Car & Driver
    bitch about how they sound "industrial" rather than "silky-smooth" (or
    "Honda-smooth"), which are the terms they apply to V6s.

    Unless the I-6 is in a BMW -- those get special exemption.
    Daniel J. Stern, Mar 3, 2006
  8. Daniel J. Stern

    Brent P Guest

    I don't see how one get's "industrial" sound from an I6. I'm not big on
    sound but they sound better than I4s and V6s....

    My guess is that too many people think of the basic cars of the 60s and
    70s when they think I6. Which was nothing more than a marketing decision
    to choke those engines with 1bbl carbs and other things that artifically
    limited their power output.

    When that generation finally retires or dies out, then the inline 6 can be
    reborn. Meanwhile I'll have to hope for Ford to come to it's senses and
    bring over that turbo I6 from down under and for good aftermarket head for
    my 250.
    Brent P, Mar 3, 2006
  9. Daniel J. Stern

    Joe Guest

    (Brent P) wrote in
    Don't Trailblazers have I6s? IIRC they weren't too shabby either.
    Joe, Mar 3, 2006
  10. Daniel J. Stern

    Nate Nagel Guest

    yes, and it is a new, supposedly quite nice design.

    Don't forget the wonderful old "big six" (3.0, 3.3, 3.5) from BMW,
    either. If that sounds "industrial" you have tin ears. I am guessing
    the new, smaller sixes are probably just as nice, but I've never owned
    one of those.

    By comparison, the V6 in my Impala sounds quite agricultural. I don't
    understand how anyone could call a V6 "silky smooth" if they've ever
    driven a car with a good inline six.

    Nate Nagel, Mar 3, 2006
  11. Daniel J. Stern

    Steve Guest

    My first response is "Anyone who bothers to keep even one hand on the
    wheel instead of driving with their knees and talking on a cell phone.

    My second response iss "It doesn't take anything odd if the steering
    wheel has horn buttons (or in the old days the vastly superior horn
    ring) a thumb's length away no matter where your hands are."

    But a button in the center is a good, standardizable second choice.
    Steve, Mar 3, 2006
  12. Daniel J. Stern

    Steve Guest

    Gah. "Rim-blow" steering wheels.

    Mega-kewl on paper and when you try it in the dealer lot with the "new
    car" smell all around you and a brand new 340 throbbing under the hood
    begging you to go roast a set of Firestone Wide Ovals for 300 yards....
    Absolutely idiotic in practice (how do you FIND the damn thing if you
    haven't been told where it is?, and the longevity problems as well).
    Steve, Mar 3, 2006
  13. Daniel J. Stern

    Steve Guest

    By reading Condemner Retards. THEY think that I6s sound "industrial."
    Not the rest of us.
    Steve, Mar 3, 2006
  14. Daniel J. Stern

    Joe Guest

    Right, I'd forgotten about the BMWs. Beautiful example. V6s are
    inherently "wrong" - they're naturally unbalanced, and they sound like
    Joe, Mar 4, 2006
  15. Daniel J. Stern

    Guest Guest

    Chrysler was always famous for its I6s, going back to the first one in
    1924. I have a 1940 Royal, with a 241.5 c.i. straight six and it is
    extremely smooth. When Chrysler dropped their Six, it accounted for
    over 51% of sales. But then, Chrysler couldn't be seen as an old
    fogey car, it had to have a V8.
    Guest, Mar 4, 2006
  16. Daniel J. Stern

    Steve Guest

    Oh, I don't know. There are some glassy-smooth v6 engines out there that
    would compare well to any inline 6 ever made. The Chrysler 3.5 is one.
    The N*ssan v6 is another. But the Chevy 2.8/3.1/3.4/etc. is definitely
    NOT one...
    Steve, Mar 6, 2006
  17. Daniel J. Stern

    Steve Guest

    False. 90-degree v6s may be, but 60-degree v6s are not "naturally
    With an open or loud exhaust, I agree. But I also think inline 6s sound
    crappy with an open or loud exhaust. The only thing that doesn't is a v8
    or v12. But that's my ear.
    Steve, Mar 6, 2006
  18. Daniel J. Stern

    Larry Bud Guest

    I would, and I do, because it means you actually have to reach for the
    A horn is required often when turning hand-over-hand, and without the
    button in the center, one would have to look down at the wheel to find
    the horn button just to press it.

    I give a thumbs up for a horn in the center, but having it in both
    places would probably be best.
    Larry Bud, Mar 6, 2006
  19. Daniel J. Stern

    Joe Guest

    Steve, what V6s out now are 60-degree?
    Don't know about V12s. Have you heard a Viper lately? V8s are
    inherently the best of course.
    Joe, Mar 7, 2006
  20. Daniel J. Stern

    Steve Guest

    Gosh, a whole lot. All of Chrysler's except the 3.7. All the FWD GM v6s
    except the 3800. Some of the Fords, most (if not all) Japanese v6s.
    Yep, the V10 is another one that just sounds awful when heard through
    loud pipes.
    Steve, Mar 9, 2006
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