05 caravan 58k miles - problems

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rocky, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. Rocky

    Rocky Guest

    loud clunk from rear - and turn signal fell apart, now hard to turn steering
    wheel - in at repair - is any of this under factory warrantty? 58K miles

    Nice car, but starting to wonder why are we having problems so soon - we had
    5 trannys in the last caravan.
    Rocky, Mar 16, 2006
  2. Rocky

    Rocky Guest

    forgot to mention - check engine light on - local gas station doesn;t have
    scanner - is this ODB II? they say it's not standard scanner compatable -
    dealer only? can autozone pull codes?
    Rocky, Mar 16, 2006
  3. Rocky

    kmatheson Guest

    I believe that the original warranty is 3 years/36,000 miles, unless
    the extended warranty was purchased. That's quite a lot of miles for a

    -Kirk Matheson
    kmatheson, Mar 17, 2006
  4. Rocky

    Rocky Guest

    My brother uses the van a lot on the highway driving to sales calls. turned
    out to be both rear shocks needed to be replaced - thats odd - no heavy
    loads. turn signal assembly needed to be replaced. Chrysler must just put
    minimum grade running gear in to get the vans on the road and not care about
    reliability - sounds like the old aspen and volare days before the k cars
    were made.
    Rocky, Mar 17, 2006
  5. Rocky

    Doug Guest

    I doubt that your experience is typical.

    My 2002 Caravan SE, the "strippo" model, now has 73K on it.
    My only problems have been the sway bar struts and normal brake

    Doug, Mar 17, 2006
  6. Rocky

    Rocky Guest

    I'm glad to hear all is well for you. I had talked my brother into buying
    this van telling him he was better off buying new thatn fixing his old van.
    He had a bad experience at the dealer and won't go back, so he has been
    using a local garage for service.
    Rocky, Mar 17, 2006
  7. Rocky

    NewMan Guest

    I have found a VERY honest local shop. They do everything except
    transmission work - and I have a local shop for that too!

    I have no particular need to go to the dealer, and I wont unless I
    absolutely have to. I had some problems with my old 94 Acclaim and the
    ABS brakes. They said they would have a look, but if it was anything
    serious, I would have to go to the dealer. Fortunately it was very
    simple. It was right after that I sold the car and purchased the GC
    which - coincidentally, has no ABS brakes. :)
    NewMan, Mar 21, 2006
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