05 300C Sunroof Problem

Discussion in 'Chrysler 300' started by ben829, May 5, 2005.

  1. ben829

    ben829 Guest

    Has anyone encountered any problems with their sunroof on their 300C
    sunroof? I recently did and here is the story.

    My wife and I bought our 300C last April(2004). Approximately 6 months
    later I noticed that occasionally the sunroof would not close
    properly. I would press the auto close button and it wuld reach a
    certain point and then open back up. On some occasions I could hiyt
    the button again and it would close properly while other times I would
    have to hold the button for a manual close. I reported this to our
    dealer service department and they could find no problem. 6-8 weeks
    ago it got to be more of a problem. I reported it to the service dept.
    again and they said it was out of alignment and probably was from the
    factory. they reportedly re-aligned it and went on my merry way.

    Within 3 days of that sevice visit my wife told me that she could here
    wind blowing thruogh the sunroof while driving down the highway. I
    took the car back to the service dept. that morning.

    By the end of the day they told me that they would have to order parts
    in for the sunroof but thay had gotten it to close and seal and we
    could have our car back. but we could not open the sunroof.

    It took a week and a half for the parts to come in(somebody dropped
    the ball at the dealership). I took the car in and they have had it
    ever since. that has been two weeks.

    The dealership told me they sent the car to an outside shop that is an
    expert in sunroofs and they are having trouble with the repair. They
    told me that this is the first sunroof problem they have seen for the
    300C. They say it is like no other sunroof and therefore I am the
    guinee pig for the repair.

    Finally after two weeks that called and said that the repair shop had
    all the parts in(they had to make 3 seperate orders for parts) and had
    them assenbled on a bench and it was working great but when they
    installed it in the car that it went haywire and was out of commission
    again. At this point thay said that they were going to get in touch
    with Chrysler to get help. uh duh I would have done that after
    one week.

    Comments ? ? ?

    Questions ? ? ?

    Any ideas ? ? ?

    no I am not happy with the dealrship and may never take my car
    back for service

    yes we took proper care of the car, i.e. routine service and

    all I want is my car back the way it should be.
    ben829, May 5, 2005
  2. ben829

    Art Guest

    Check the back of your manuals. You may qualify under the lemon law of your
    state to get a new car.
    Art, May 6, 2005
  3. ben829

    mic canic Guest

    what a crock when you order sunroof parts for that car more times than not you get a complete sunroof minus
    mic canic, May 7, 2005
  4. ben829

    ben829 Guest

    *** *** *** UPDATE *** *** ***

    Tuesday marked the end of the third week that they have had my car.
    Monday brought a call from the dealership saying that they had to
    order another part in and it might be in by Tuesday. Well, it’s
    Wednesday and guess what I have???? NOT my car!!!! more updates
    to follow as they come.
    ben829, May 11, 2005
  5. ben829

    mic canic Guest

    dude i feel for you
    the fact of the matter as i see it is the dealer does not have a
    tech that can fix the dam thing my dealer has me
    and bac up person
    the car is in service now close to 30 days and that in michigan means lemon law
    you have been extremely nice about it but the time has come to start calling d.c but be polite and explain all you
    know to the rep.
    mic canic, May 12, 2005
  6. ben829

    ben829 Guest

    ben829, May 27, 2005
  7. ben829

    ben829 Guest

    *** *** *** *** Finally *** *** *** ***

    Got my car back today. Everything seems to be in order. I will reserve
    judgement until after a few days.
    ben829, May 27, 2005
  8. ben829

    mic canic Guest

    it's time a d.m from d/c gets in volved call the customer support line and explain
    whats going on
    mic canic, May 28, 2005
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