02 Sebring Electrical Problem Revisited

Discussion in 'Sebring' started by Bill, Mar 31, 2006.

  1. Bill

    Bill Guest

    First off, thanks to all those who gave helpful advice on this problem
    several months ago. Briefly, the car would exhibit total electrical
    failure at unpredictable intervals (see original post link below.) The
    dealer had the car for 2 weeks and found nothing.
    I finally decided to grab my coffee and wrenches and dig into it.
    Battery/cables fine. When I got up to the underhood cables (where you
    jump the car) everything looked fine. I decided to take them apart
    anyway. Hot cable was good & clean. Upon taking off the ground (which
    was on tightly and clean) I found the engine ground cable under it,
    held on with its own nut. With the batter cable mounted, this is nut
    is hidden from view. This connection was loose, and the ternimal end
    of the cable showed signs of arcing. I cleaned it, tightened
    everything and, hopefully, have solved this irritating problem.
    Bottom line: If you think your Chrysler dealer (at least mine) is going
    to do anything on an extended, Chrysler warranty, think again. I
    remember calling the service advisor and tactfully asking if they had
    at least checked all of the grounds. "You bet, buddy" (!) Obviously,
    they hadn't (or if they did, they left it dirty and forgot to tighten
    Thanks again & here's hoping.
    Bill, Mar 31, 2006
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