’94 Jeep Grand Cherokee rumbling sounds

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mystimine90, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. mystimine90

    mystimine90 Guest

    Whenever I drive my jeep recently, there is severe rumbling that
    sounds almost EXACTLY like train wheels when they go over the tracks
    and there’s that periodic thud while riding in one. The jeep’s an old
    1994, but it’s only got 63,000 miles on it, although the bottom is
    entirely rusted out. I think it’s something stuck in the 4 wheel
    drive chain(s), or the rusted shocks could be causing it. The
    rumbling doesn’t cause the ride to be bumpy, but when reaching higher
    speeds, you can clearly feel the vibrations. Also, the rumbling is
    alot less while going uphill then vs. downhill, which is why I think
    it might be the shocks on the back wheels. what seems to be the

    edit: also, more importantly, is it safe to put off the repairs (cause
    I need to get it checked no matter what) for about 6 weeks? It drives
    normally in terms of control and doesn’t serve more or anything, but I
    need access to the car everyday, including weekends for the next 6
    weeks so I can’t afford to put it in the shop for a few days until
    then...is this a good idea?
    mystimine90, Mar 16, 2007
  2. mystimine90

    motoron Guest

    Jeeps have notorious rear differential problems. Does the noise come
    from the back?

    Also the exhaust hanger has a habit off rusting out by the
    transmission over the cross member. When this happens it makes all
    sorts of noise over all sorts of driving conditions. But this noise is
    very apparent right under front seats only. Is this where your noise
    is coming from?
    motoron, Mar 16, 2007
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